Goin’ solo

What are your thoughts of someone who eats alone? Before coming to Colombia, I didn’t like the thought of eating by myself, I felt it showed people that I was socially awkward. Which let’s be honest, I can be a hotmess at times. But after being thrown into a new culture, I learned my perception was wrong. This is one of the challenges living abroad, embracing change! I decided that was exactly what I wanted to do, embrace this solitude. Too often during the day we surroud ourselves with familiar people and forget to focus on what matters the most, YOU.

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Smile, it makes people wonder where you’ve been.

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I figured I could use this two hour break for a little soul searchin’ time, because that’s what you’re suppose to do when traveling, right? And yes my lunch break is two hours which I have no complaints. Although my Dad finds it to be bizarre, but that’s just the Americana hardwired into him, poor fella has been in the rat race too long.

It’s funny how I actually I feel like I get more out of my day by slowing down rather than speeding up. But that seems too easy, right? It’s cliché, stop and smell the roses, they’re pretty nice! I enourage you to try this, get off the grid for a little; no labtop, no phone, just alone with your thoughts, perhaps a notepad, and an appetizing meal. Talk about a throwback to early 2000. Keep in mind results may vary due to the effort you put into this.

I openly admit that I am a people pleaser. Guilty. I said it. I really can’t stand when someone is upset with me or a relationship has become awkward. But I cannot tell you the sweet glory of not having to worry about what someone else wants or impressing them with your table etiquette. Or therefore lack of in my case. Instead the only thing you have to worry about is, “do you want that dessert after lunch?”

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          Go big or go home

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It’s important to surround ourselves with good people, but the occasional timeout is nurturing for the soul. Otherwise how are you suppose to become a better person if you don’t spend time alone?

I feel very priviledged to have found this new self-confidence here in Colombia. It’s small but you have to start somewhere and now is the time, because tomorrow will bring new challenges. Change the social thinking of what being alone means. Let it be the time you think about how to change your life: set goals, find meaning to your actions, and just unplug from this busy world.

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Goin’ solo on this one guys!

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What’s your favorite activity to do alone? See a movie? Go to your favorite work out class? Please share!


  1. Caity · March 13, 2015

    You are wise beyond your years. I have two favorite times to be alone. First: early in the morning say about 5:30 I love to make a cup of tea and sit and wake for the world to wake up. The birds, the cars, people talking even the branches of the tree being wind blown can be heard so clear. If you happen to be facing east, you can even be one of the first to great the sun as she comes up for the day. Second: Evening when life is forced to slow down. In this case sounds just fade as does the sun. It is an amazing site to watch her retreat for the night.


    • wanderessoftheworld · March 13, 2015

      Thank you for this comment Caity! There are perks to seeing the world during these two times. Keep enjoying your morning cups of tea and evening relaxation!



  2. Olivia · March 14, 2015

    I love spending time alone! I don’t feel lonely just content in myself and I do think it is healthy thing everyone should do from time to time. If you are not happy alone then how can you be happy with others? Great post 🙂


  3. my random musings · March 17, 2015

    Nothing beats some alone time… you get to ponder about all the things without anyone else disturbing you. By the way I might have to add Colombia on my list now. I had Argentina in my mind.


    • wanderessoftheworld · March 17, 2015

      Exactly, it’s good for the soul! You should, it’s really great! Plus I can return the favor and recommend some great places for you! 🙂 Thank you for reading by the way, I really appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Michelle Anneliese · March 17, 2015

    I find myself spending a lot of time alone and doing things alone often, and I also wrote about it on my blog.


    • wanderessoftheworld · March 18, 2015

      It’s a great thing to do, nurtures the soul. Thank you for reading, also thank you for producing good content yourself!


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